Monday, October 24, 2005

M - I - C, see you real soon...

I know I haven't written much recently - sometimes I find it hard to think of things to write. Once you get over the thrill of being so close to the action and the ease of travel to Europe, you realise that you're basically living a commuter lifestyle - go to the gym, to work, go home, cook dinner and watch bad TV - not very much that you can't get at home really!

But I did have a busy week last week which was appropriate, as last Friday marked 6 months since I arrived in the UK. Royksopp at the Brixton Academy, Brian Dennehey in Death of a Salesman, Mark Morris Dance Group at Saddlers Wells - oh yes, this is the reason I came here!

I also managed to score a new job last week - interviewed on Monday at 10, had the job by 12 - and started today at AXA (again!) as a Marketing Strategy Manager. The job's going to involve travel to Glasgow fairly regularly, which sounds great, but they are threatening us with one of the harshest winters on record (apparently the squirrels are hoarding a LOT of nuts). Still probably won't be as bad as my flatmate James who has voluntarily chosen to move to Oslo - as winter begins - although he has promised me night skiing to lure me there for a visit. Might have to pick up my ski gear when I come down at new year...

Yes, couldn't quite make it through the year without a visit down, but then again, Bex and Sam managed to create a reason for the visit just a little quicker than we were all expecting! So I will arrive on the 31st Dec, and fingers crossed Kickie will arrive at a similar time. Probably also after 24 hours in a confined space, although at least I get the benefit of the in-flight movies...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surpise back at AXA. It does have that Death Star way about it.


7:03 pm  

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