In which I get discovered and violated, all in one crazy Dutch weekend
So Amsterdam this weekend, where finally, I was 'discovered' by an international photographer. But more on that later.
Early morning flight on Saturday, and for the 3rd time in 6 months I got selected for a 'random' special screening. I suspect this is because, the authorities are keen to avoid being seen to racial profile, and I am the diametric opposite of a terrorist. But this screening involved a whole body x-ray scan - explained to me, to dispell fear, as "No more radiation than 2 minutes flying, or 5 minutes in the sun". Like a good Antipodean, I immediately began worrying - you can get a serious burn after 10 - so just how much damage would my 45 minute flight be doing me?
But like a cat, I'm curious. The screening basically involved the careful execution of 3 moves - think Saturday Night Fever in terms of arm movements and feet positions. Not too hard, and now I know them, I think next time I will be able to funk it up a little and throw a few improvised moves - make it my own, so to speak.
Yikes! Just looked this up on the internet: "So the image is from the skin contours of the subject, minus the clothing. It thus resembles a nude photo of the subject." Now she didn't tell me that! I feel quite violated now...

But back to Amsterdam - like Paris, it's a beautiful city to walk around, but especially around the Jordaan where Kelly lives, it's much quirkier and less formal. I didn't do very much other than walk, eat and hang out at Kelly and Brian's place and try to cat-whisper Brian's two lovely cats with varying degrees of success. But it was a great relaxing weekend, which is what I was after. And I was lucky with the good weather - my weekend there were the warmest October days in Amsterdam in over 40 years - so I got the benefit of less tourists, the changing leaves, and weather that melted our icecreams as we walked.
Everyone seems to ride bikes there - the few who do drive are awful at it, and there were a few close calls with a canal or two. The locals are normally pretty good at avoiding you, but you really do have to watch out for the tourists, who ride while trying to look up at the rooftops. But I enjoyed just walking around, as each small street and canal combo is more charming than the last.
It was while we were walking to the Van Gogh museum that I was discovered, while my pygmalion was cycling past. In fact, we met a friend of Kelly's who is a Polish photographer who owns a gallery in Amsterdam. As soon as she was introduced to me, she exclaimed that she must photograph me before I left the country. I was mildly flattered until it transpired that she just really liked freckles, and it has to be admitted that I am rather blessed in that capacity. But I thought it might be fun, which it was, and I am looking forward to seeing what the results are - she said she would email a couple of shots to me, and if they are not too bad I will perhaps post one.
Arrived back this morning, and with the express train from Heathrow, was at work by 9.15. Tried to hide my excitement when I heard that I could well be going to Paris for work at the end of the month! Next trip looks like it's sorted...
Early morning flight on Saturday, and for the 3rd time in 6 months I got selected for a 'random' special screening. I suspect this is because, the authorities are keen to avoid being seen to racial profile, and I am the diametric opposite of a terrorist. But this screening involved a whole body x-ray scan - explained to me, to dispell fear, as "No more radiation than 2 minutes flying, or 5 minutes in the sun". Like a good Antipodean, I immediately began worrying - you can get a serious burn after 10 - so just how much damage would my 45 minute flight be doing me?
But like a cat, I'm curious. The screening basically involved the careful execution of 3 moves - think Saturday Night Fever in terms of arm movements and feet positions. Not too hard, and now I know them, I think next time I will be able to funk it up a little and throw a few improvised moves - make it my own, so to speak.
Yikes! Just looked this up on the internet: "So the image is from the skin contours of the subject, minus the clothing. It thus resembles a nude photo of the subject." Now she didn't tell me that! I feel quite violated now...

But back to Amsterdam - like Paris, it's a beautiful city to walk around, but especially around the Jordaan where Kelly lives, it's much quirkier and less formal. I didn't do very much other than walk, eat and hang out at Kelly and Brian's place and try to cat-whisper Brian's two lovely cats with varying degrees of success. But it was a great relaxing weekend, which is what I was after. And I was lucky with the good weather - my weekend there were the warmest October days in Amsterdam in over 40 years - so I got the benefit of less tourists, the changing leaves, and weather that melted our icecreams as we walked.
Everyone seems to ride bikes there - the few who do drive are awful at it, and there were a few close calls with a canal or two. The locals are normally pretty good at avoiding you, but you really do have to watch out for the tourists, who ride while trying to look up at the rooftops. But I enjoyed just walking around, as each small street and canal combo is more charming than the last.
It was while we were walking to the Van Gogh museum that I was discovered, while my pygmalion was cycling past. In fact, we met a friend of Kelly's who is a Polish photographer who owns a gallery in Amsterdam. As soon as she was introduced to me, she exclaimed that she must photograph me before I left the country. I was mildly flattered until it transpired that she just really liked freckles, and it has to be admitted that I am rather blessed in that capacity. But I thought it might be fun, which it was, and I am looking forward to seeing what the results are - she said she would email a couple of shots to me, and if they are not too bad I will perhaps post one.
Arrived back this morning, and with the express train from Heathrow, was at work by 9.15. Tried to hide my excitement when I heard that I could well be going to Paris for work at the end of the month! Next trip looks like it's sorted...